GSB News
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Are you a middle or high school student with an eye toward studying abroad?
The GSB Alumni Association in partnership with the DAAD cordially invites you to our
German University Fair
Date: Sunday, April 6, 2024
Time: 10 am to 12:30 pm
Location: GSB, 760 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11216
This is your opportunity to meet representatives from a wide variety of German universities and learn everything you need to know about studying in Germany, such as the classes you need, the credits you should earn, and which German tests to pursue. There will also be a round of “speed dating” where you will have the chance to ask current German university students about what it is really like to study in Germany.
10 am to 10:45 am Opportunity to meet university representatives
10:45 to 11:30 am Information Panel
11:30 am to 12:30 pm Speed Dating and additional time to meet university representatives
Germany: Your Gateway to Europe
Studying in Germany is of interest for many reasons. German universities are among the top universities in the world, they offer a wide variety of degrees, and they can serve as a gateway to starting a career in Europe. Bonus: Studying in Germany is free!
RSVP here.
Full rsvp link:
We are grateful for the support of our sponsors:
Deutsche Sprachschule New York at UNIS
Goethe-Institut USA
German-American Steuben Parade Committee ******************* daad.usa @uniallianz @huaheidelberg @campusowlnyc @unicologne_ny @uas7alliance @unifreiburg @friends_of_freiburg_uni_alumni @goetheinstitut_usa_learngerman
@goetheinstitut_newyork @steubenparadeny @1014nyc @dfg__public @germanyny_ @iieglobal @PASCH-net @Auslandsschulwesen @deutscheauslandsschulen @paschalumni @gappexchanges
#StudyAbroad #studyingermany #germanuniversityfair #internationalstudent #Germanschoolbrooklyn #deutschesprachschulenewyork
❄️⛸️ GSB on Ice! ❄️⛸️
Grades 1–5 hit the rink @lakesidebklyn in Prospect Park this week. Our students (and the accompanying grown ups) skated joyfully! 🧤💙
Big thanks to our amazing teachers and chaperones for making this day happen. Frau Kara told us she only fell once, but 🤷 😉 ?
#germanschoolbrooklyn #bilingualkids #bilingualeducation #fieldtrip
Our community came together for an evening full of singing, dancing, music, and even a little magic! 🎩💫
Led by our 5th grade MCs (🎙️👏), the show was packed with heart.
A huge shoutout to our brave performers, our music teacher Herr Ellerhold, and our enthusiastic audience members - we can’t wait to do it again next year.
#germanschoolbrooklyn #bilingualeducation #bilingualkids #brooklynkids #performance

8th grader Nicholas helped us unbox some new books for our Spanish immersion preschool program. We are excited to welcome our newest learners for the fall of 2025. 😊
A few spots are still available in our 3's and 4's program. Spread the word to interested families!
#spanisheducation #germanschoolbrooklyn #bilingualeducation #bilingualkids
🎭✨🎉 Fasching at GSB! 🎉✨🎭
What a day! Our GSB community went all out for Fasching. From lively costumes to student skits, the spirit of this German tradition was thriving!
Danke to our students, teachers, and families for making this celebration so special. 🥳🇩🇪🎊
#germanschoolbrooklyn #karneval #helau #bilingualkids #brooklynkids #fasching
Join us for a fun filled movie night at GSB!
#goetheinstitut #bilingualkids #bilingualeducation #germanschoolbrooklyn
🎶 Yesterday, the Black Diamonds rocked the house at GSB! 🤘
Our afterschool Rock Band brought their energy and teamwork to the stage for a crowd of fans. 🎤🔥
A huge thank you to Julian Harris, our incredible after school instructor (and rockstar parent!), for guiding these young musicians and making this performance possible. 👏👏
Way to go, Black Diamonds! 💎🎵
#germanschoolbrooklyn #rockband #afterschoolmagic #musicmatters #bilingualkids #brooklynkids #bilingualeducation
📚 Our Kindergarteners are getting creative with TYPOGRAPHY for the upcoming GSB International Book Fair! ✍️
Students explore the art of lettering as they design signs and covers for our upcoming literary celebration.📖
Join us at the GSB International Book Fair from March 24-28 with a special author event on Saturday the 29th (details coming soon) to see their work in action and celebrate the joy of reading with us! 💛
#germanschoolbrooklyn #typographyfun #bilingualeducation #creativekindergarten #bilingualkids #brooklynkids