
From drama classes to woodworking sessions, GSB offers a diverse and exciting range of afterschool enrichment opportunities for students of all interests and skill levels.

Afterschool (3:45pm-5:15pm)

You’ll find a mix of visual arts, performing arts, STE(A)M topics, sports/movement and music. GSB aims to develop each student’s interests as well as to introduce new topics for exploration.

Middle School students are encouraged to develop their own clubs throughout the year, and teachers may offer additional, shorter term activities based on interest. 

For questions, please get in touch with:
Ashley Padilla, Afterschool Coordinator

Class size
There is a minimum of 8 students per after school class; maximum class size varies as indicated. If there are fewer than the required number of students registered for a class, GSB reserves the right to cancel the program. 

Session Times & Hours for 24/25
GSB’s after school programs run for one full school year; students stay in the same course for both semesters.

First day of After School:
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Last day of After School:
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
After school sessions: 3:45 – 5:15pm
Pickup/Dismissal 5:15 – 5:30pm

Registration, Tuition and Payment

  • Registration for after school is available online at Reach out to about joining mid year.

  • The fee for most classes is $1,600 per session/year; classes which require more resources are higher. 

  • Tuition can be paid in full at registration or in two installments. The first installment is due at registration and the second installment is due on September 15th.

  • The cancellation fee is 50% of the total cost if you inform us before September 15th. If you cancel after September 15th, we are unable to offer a refund.