Embracing Diversity: My Journey through GSB and the Power of Language and Culture

I joined the community of GSB in 3rd grade. Prior to that, I attended a public school in Park Slope and before that, preschool/pre-K at Kinderhaus.

Since joining GSB, I’ve learned so much about how to embrace other cultures. As a kid growing up in a melting pot of different cultures in Brooklyn, having an international mindset has broadened my perspective on the world. My bilingualism also grossly enhances my view on the world. When we’re on vacation in different countries, I usually, before visiting these countries, try to learn a couple of words and phrases. I do this, because visiting countries also means experiencing new cultures and languages. This eagerness of learning new languages has always been present for me, especially as a kid living in one of the greatest and most diverse cities in the world.

Cordt Rissmann, 8th grader


City vs. Country: The Trade-Off Between Independence and Openness