Global Community & Equity Statement

GSB Equity Statement 

At GSB, we strive to affirm, engage, and celebrate the varied backgrounds and perspectives within our community. We understand that our entire community benefits from the equitable treatment of each community member. 

This statement reflects GSB’s mission. It illustrates not only where we are but also where we strive to go in our efforts to make GSB a diverse, inclusive, and equitable school community. Please join us in this essential work.

At GSB, we create equity in our classrooms by: 

  • Working to ensure that students see representations of multiple identities and diverse backgrounds in the curriculum and in materials displayed visually.  
  • Supporting the development of each child’s identity.
  • Teaching and learning about social groups; understanding that social groups are complex, varied, and organized around different systems.
  • Teaching and learning about the ways systems advantage some and disadvantage others, examining ways to be agents of change.
  • Diversifying instruction, basing it on student needs and abilities.
  • Working with our social/emotional coach to support students.

At GSB, we create equity in our community by:

  • Providing professional-development opportunities for teachers on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Providing opportunities for families to learn and grow alongside GSB staff through Global Community Committee meetings, events, and conversations.
  • Working to ensure that our school traditions, such as annual projects and performances, celebrate diverse identities in a way that is nuanced and authentic.
  • Making clear, through our hiring practices, curriculum, and school communications, that our school values social justice.

At GSB, we create equity in school culture by:

  • Exposing students to cultures and languages other than their own in an effort to celebrate differences and affirm the identity of each child.
  • Recognizing people in our community as individuals.
  • Using the Responsive Classroom model to ensure that behavior expectations are clear for all students.
  • Treating each person with respect and acknowledgement of our common humanity while understanding that our lived experiences differ.


Equity. A strategy used to promote fairness, in which individuals are given what they need to be successful.

Equality. A strategy to promote fairness, that treats each individual exactly the same way.

Equality aims to promote fairness, but it can work only if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help. We strive to achieve equity, knowing that each learner may need something different in order to reach full potential. Specifically, this means that students’ personal or social circumstances, such as ethnic origin, family background, or gender should not be obstacles to their educational potential. Rather, we aim to celebrate these identities, knowing that our school community is stronger and more joyful when we do so.


More about the GCC

German School Brooklyn’s Global Community Committee comprises teachers, administrators, and families of children who attend GSB. We are committed to building a community that fosters young citizens of the world who are thoughtful and can appreciate multiple perspectives. We represent the diversity of Brooklyn and beyond with regard to race, ethnicity, culture, family structure, gender, socio-economic status, personal identity, and religion. With the support of school leadership, the Committee explores cross-culturalism, anti-bias learning, and the principles of inclusivity. This endeavor encourages opportunities for students, teachers, staff, and families at GSB to expand their understanding of the world.

The Global Community Committee meets twice each semester. Its goals include agreeing on definitions of race and racism, exploring aspects of racial-identity development, and learning how children in particular see race. In addition, we work to understand definitions of gender, to explore gender identity and expression, and to learn how young children develop ideas about gender. Trained experts facilitate these meetings to help our community practice race- and gender-related conversations clearly, age appropriately, and with the intention of advocating for equity. GSB is proud to work alongside our families in creating a welcoming and informed school community.