Tuition and Fees 24/25 School Year


Preschool (3s and 4s)
$29,700/year for 5 days
$25,300/year for 4 days
Lower School (K through Grade 5):
Middle School (Grades 6-8):
One-time enrollment fee: $1,000
Facility fees: $1,000

Payment Schedule

Incoming families:
First installment and enrollment fee due by signing of the contract
Second installment and facility fees due September 15, 2024
Continuing families:
Fist installment due March 15th, 2024
Second installment and facility fees due by September 15th, 2024


Afterschool (3:45-5:15)

After school tuition is per session/afternoon for the entire school year.
$1,600 and up